extention 1.jpg.1Project title : Energy - supply Mecha

Project to expend : Structure & Surface 

5 Keywords : 1.Energy 2. Insects 3.charging 4. Connection 5. Space

New concept

Since the spaceships I designed in the project Structure & Surface do not have the charging or energy supply system, So I want to create a system to charge them. 


It is a mind map of the energy can be used in the space.

Dark energy and Antimatter can be used in the future but not today since the technological problem.

As these spaceships are designed for the people in the future, I decided to learn more about dark energy and antimatter.[Primary research]

MIND MAP 1.jpg.1



After the research of charging system today, I designed this structure to charge the spaceships.

The charging system is concaved so the spaceship can get in and connect.

There are two magnets inside the spaceship and the charging system respectively to ensure they can connect tightly.


I drew the keywords [ features ] gained from the research and started Idea factory.

IDEA 1.jpg.1


IDEA 2.jpg

IDEA 3.jpg


Since the " dress structure" is too large and not suitable for flying, so I improved this part and create the "bud" structure.


space charging.446_WPS图片.png

space charging.447_WPS图片.png.1

space charging.449_WPS图片.png




Reflection & Conclusion


I really like product design and from this project, I try to design something has more industry feeling and try to think more bravely from this project.

I enjoyed idea factory process the most because when ideas come out ,whatever good or not , I will feel very comfortable since it is quite the stress buster.

This weekend I visited the design museum and saw the example of sustainable design which is the new bottle design for healthrow airport. I think in the further projects, I still need to think about sustainable materials.

I saw XIAOLONG's work with a lot of collage. That is a really good way to get idea and expand his mind. Also makes his sketch book more beautiful. I think I can combine Research and collage, I will try in the next project.


2019/09/16 MON.

2019/9/16 MON

This morning, we went to kingscross campus and the railway station for research.

The research topic is light, lighting. Kingscross campus is a former station. In addition to very modern architectural styles and objects, such as glass and metal wire-drawn access facilities, there are also some historical items, which are full of rust and look very heavy. (like visiting a museum) I photographed different aspects of light, such as reflection, refraction, light source and so on. It also used video to record flashing warning lights, people moving in reflections and so on. Light behaves differently in different materials. Light shows the feeling of phoney illusion on the material that pulls wire in metal, appear heavy on rusty iron, on glass, light reflects realism.

In the afternoon, through group discussion, we classified the secondary research on the weekend. I prefer product design related to light, so my research works are all about products, including household lights, signal lights and lighting design of some products. Most of the products focus on geometry, bright and spatial, so I think I can add a little bit of diffuse to my design.


2019/9/18 THU.

Today ,the work of Altredo Moser inspirate me a lot.

Actually, after the idea of TIME RECORDED BY LIGHT came into my mind ,It became very hard to develop It because It is difficult for me to find the target users and sometimes I think it is not a product since that.

However, BOTTLE LIGHRT do not have target users and seems everyone can use this product. This product is made by BOTTLES and using the reflection of sunlight to bright the dark room in daytime.

So, maybe the users can choose the different sunlight they like !

For instance ,Some people may feel energetic at 10 o'clock so that choosing the sunlight at that time and they will feel the time stopped at 10 am. As a result, these users will feel productive and not easy to get tired for whole day.

Also,the people always sleep at daytime can still choose the light at night and to make them have a good rest.


Mind map shows the process of idea development of this project.

The potential problem is how to make users understand the time that light represents.

The first one is different hours ,different part of the verge will shine ,the position of shining is the same as the mechanical clock shows.[EX. 9 o'clock, shining at the middle of left edge.].At the same time, colour and intensity of light also changes to show different hours.

The second one is using shadow play to represent pointer. ,which means time pass away when position of shadow changes .At the same time, colour and intensity of light also changes to show different hours.

Finally, I choice the second one since the light of the product will disturb that of shining position and users still cannot see the time clearly.


SUMMARY - 2019/9/23



It is a LAMP that can be used to represent time by the changing of intensity and colour of light.

Different "O'clock" , different lights.

Users can also chose the light [ex.light of 9 o'clock] they want by clapping the lamp for 2 times.

The theme of this project is related to light, so first of all, I done the Primary research of light and analysis different light used in the ancient time and today.

In the ancient days,solders used fire torch to hit the shields and beautiful fireworks come out .In Tang dynasty, people suspended hundreds of lanterns to create the Streetlight in Chang’An. These kind of streetlight create an amazing atmosphere of sunset.It seems that the sunset is always there and the sun never get down. So, people called them SUNSET LANTERNS.

I also took photos at kingscross campus and the train station.I understood that how material and textual influence the reflection ,shadow of the light.

In secondary research, I analysis different products related to light. The IDEA FROM THESE WORK : SEE THE COLOUR CLEARLY,DO NOT DAZZLE PEOPLE ,INTERACTIVE, MINIMALISM AND NATUAL FEELING.

After that, I started brain storm and lots of ideas came out.Finally I choice the idea that light can be used to record time.

So,IN this case, I developed this idea and make it become a clock using light to represent time. The changing of intensity and color of light represent different clock of time.SO i made a testing model and observed the sunlight shot on this model different hours.Then I used photoshop to make the intensity and colour of the light more suitable for a “lamp”.The reason why I choice RED AND ORIANGE COLOR to represent light at night is because these colour always makes people warm easy to sleep.The light at 12 am is the darkest and the brightest at 12pm.

The potential problem is how users understand the time.The first one is different hours ,different part of the verge will shine ,the position of shining is the same as the mechanical clock shows.[EX. 9 o'clock, shining at the middle of left edge.].At the same time, colour and intensity of light also changes to show different hours.The second one is using shadow play to represent pointer. ,which means time pass away when position of shadow changes .At the same time, colour and intensity of light also changes to show different hours.The second one is using shadow play to represent pointer. ,which means time pass away when position of shadow changes .At the same time, colour and intensity of light also changes to show different hours.

The shape of the product is come from the shape of lanterns,

However , the initial product  is not very fashionable and it cannot stand stabily on the desk or ground. so I simplify and analysis the shape of lanterns and drew them in a geometrical way.Cutting the lantern and rotate it 30 degree ,the half lantern seems easy to stand.

Then, I made the model of the product and it really can stand on the horizontal surface.I also drew the pictures using Mark pens .

After reading the article of BOTTLE LIGHT, I realized maybe the users can choose the different sunlight they like !

For instance ,Some people may feel energetic at 10 o'clock so that choosing the sunlight at that time and they will feel the time stopped at 10 am. As a result, these users will feel productive and not easy to get tired for whole day.

Also,the people always sleep at daytime can still choose the light at night and to make them have a good rest.


"Structure is important for architectures . Good structure of architectures makes people live better."  


Famous architect Yu Wenkai who design the layout of Chang' An- the heart and capital city of Great Tang Empire 1500 years ago.


Platonic structure is regular and influence our life for a long time. Using Regular solid without to much decorations ,that is a kind of minimalism


In today's class, I understand the structure of architecture have the function of supporting. How to stand and stand well on the ground, that is first problem we need to solve . Lots of people used triangles to design because they have great stability. However, only stability is not enough , so the first thing come to our mind is Klein bottle which cannot put water inside forever.



 sketches of the team work


As a result ,we built a "4D structure" using short bamboo sticks and we connect it with another structure using longer sticks.






2019/9/2 MON
It is the first day for me to study in the university and the experience is quite memorable .I used to attend art class with the high school classmates ,but just keep painting .Today ,we learned how to use the sketchbook ,how to create the ideas like a factory and also work with the classmates form different areas with varied thoughts .After that,I realised ideas cannot be obtained by just thinking ,we need to discuss and finally find the best one.
Creating ideas very quickly made me stressful ,because  I never thought one idea in just one minute. During this section ,I find that it is really hard for me to develop ideas because my mind was still closed and I  did not have a habit of organize my thoughts .So, that might be the biggest problem that I need to carry out.
The keywords I received are HAIR,TO CUT and ROMANTICISM .Here  are the brainstorm blew.
curly hair, straight hair, long hair, short hair, blond hair, animal hair like dog hair and cat hair . Some filaments are similar              to "hairs", such as wire, paper and wood chips.
To cut:
scissors, knife, chop, scratch
love, light blue, pink, relaxing, relaxing, comfortable, natural, objects from the nature always make people feel                                   peaceful.
Combining the above three aspects, I think many people like to relax themselves by touching their pets' hair and muscles, but it takes a lot of time to feed the pets and solve their hygiene problems. Sometimes pets scratch their owners.
As a result, after a long time of thinking, I came up with the idea of a robot cat which means People can pet their pets without worrying about needing to be fed.



Today is the presentation day . In the morning ,when we went to the classroom ,lots of students tried their best to finish and complete their first project.


After The class began, we Stood up and appreciate the work of different classmates. I saw some sketchbooks which is pretty good. Someone are good at sketching,which means theirs are super detail and real (using shades )Someone’s have nice research process so that we can easily understand how they worked.


There are some mates gave the comments for my-work .Most of them mentioned that they couldn’t know how it worked and how to charge the product.


After reflections , I think that is because I have only a little part of research . I just combine the 3 words and get my initial idea , but that’s just a primary step. I need more research about cats such as how they walk ,how they jump ,how they run fast , the list going long and long.


As a result ,I shouldn’t keep the whole structure and shape of a cat.


In the afternoon ,I  saw some collage of mates which are pretty good . Maybe more collage in my sketchbook.


“Good design produces a “! ”moment” said by Oki Sato .I will complete my work tomorrow! Carry on!


By the way ,I also found that the skills of how to make presentation is a serious problem for me.I am able to chat with peers and teachers,but I cannnot speak lots of full sentences to make a little speech.Maybe my vocabrary is poor and even sometimes I cannnot listen what the classmates talk about.I stii need more practise for my English.

Worksheet 1


The design that I research is a building called Nakagin capsule tower which is created by KISHO KUROKAWA - a famous designer in Japan.

In Japan , there are a lot of people are very busy so they always miss the last bus at night.


That is a essential and serious problems for Japanese people in 1970s.


KISHO KUROKAWA realised this situation and design a capsule building for these people.


He done the research of the space capsule which the astronauts can sleep and work and eat in this room.


The furniture and equipment are unitized and housed in the living cabin of about 7 square meters. The 140 "capsules" that make up the edifice bear witness to the cramped living of the Japanese 50 years .


The designer used the steel container structure to create the whole outside of the building. Inside this tower ,there are small kitchens, ovens and the other necessary objects, that's  quite a ''nest''.


The whole tower is future style, that’s incredible in 1979.The whole building is minimize  which means the whole things in this design is functional.


“product design is to solve problems directly”, said by famous designer Oki Sato.


MY work is a e cat ,but I think I didn’t carry out the problem directly by my product. Users just need the feeling of textual of cats hair ,not  the whole cats shape.


So, what I need to do next is to minimise my product , only keep the functional things which’s hair and muscle and e bone inside.The research of the shape of cats ,why the cats makes people feel comfortable need to be down.


By the way , the chooses of colour is also quite important so that I need to add a colour research of romanticism.

Worksheet 1-2





Mind map




This mind map illustrates what I do for part 1 and it is a draft of my Essay.




Everything is old and new, human design is no exception. The ancients used to explore inspiration from animals and plants, design tools (such as making saws from jagged leaves) and then use tools to design other products. As a result, humans tend to Inspire or reflect on old products, and then create new products. Today's society is changing rapidly, I think we should not only obtain inspiration from culture in the past, but find them from the theory, architecture, products, ism of today and use them to design the objects in the future. During the study in CSM, I found myself really interested working in this way to design products because just like the famous Japanese designer Oki Sato said: ’Giving people a small ” ! ” moment. There are so many small ” ! ” moments hidden in our everyday.’ From my observation, gain ideas from our culture is a way to make products interesting and is able to give people a “!” feeling.


First of all, It is true that obtain ideas from the culture which includes ancient clothes, buildings and antiques generally is a good way to inheritance and explore it. To establish a bridge between the traditional things and civilization now days can make product interesting because it will create a feeling to users which is it is traditional but it is also modern.In part 1, most of my works incorporate cultural elements. In the illuminate project, I researched the Sunset lanterns of Chang' an City in the Tang Dynasty and the popular iron flower performances at the time and applied them to my design. In the process of idea development, I think of the making process cut in the first project idea factory, so I rotated the original ugly product shape and cut it into the final idea. When it comes to the project wear it, I realized that there are a few of design is relate to the accessories of shoulder so I figured out the Shoulder Amour of LongWu regards in Tang dynasty and then searched the information about its colour, ways of weaving , materials used for armour and structure of it. Finally, I designed a accessory and named it Armour.


Secondly, similarly, the theories, culture today can be used to design the products in the future. For the project structure & surface, I designed 2 kinds of private spaceships which can connect with each other to move faster. In the beginning, I did the research of different surfaces and structures (ex. textured, looped, porous...) and analysis them carefully. Then come to the Secondary research, I searched the information of products related to the products with these special structures and I realized the texture of a part of a car which is massive bulk is quite interesting and let me thought about Connection. Next, making the testing models and started idea factory. During this process, I found one of model is quite like the space plane so I want to design a spaceship that according to it. I continued doing the secondary research of spaceship and the develop my ideas. My classmate YIFAN recommended the designer and artist  Eric Geusz who created different scales, shapes and kinds of spaceships inspired from the normal objects like box or pencils. I really like his drawing style and that made me understand how to display the technical felling of spaceships , through painting and digital method including Rendering. According to another two testing models, I created my ship into cylinder shape and the head of it is hexagon .After that, I started to draw the final image and explore a structure again to ensure spaceship A and B are able to connected tightly with each other. Generally speaking, I utilized a lot of knowledge in today to design for the future.


To sum up, In the two months of study, the biggest progress for me was to be able to quickly find inspiration, but also to enhance my creativity and cultivate my design thinking and speculative ability. I found that I am more adept at ancient culture and Modern civilization (technical, etc.) finds inspiration to design products. Influenced by the design which is Affinity in Autonomy, I want to follow the basic design ideas, learn some interactive design content and integrate them into product design because I found that the current design is missing. Content that meets user needs, which means lacks user experience. At the same time, under the general trend of environmental protection , I also pay attention to materials and processing and design with materials which are environmental friendly and easy to produce.



concept of nendo [2019], Available at: http://www.nendo.jp/en/concept/

Everyday Spaceships: Illustrations by Eric Geusz[2018] , Available at: https://theinspirationgrid.com/everyday-spaceships-illustrations-by-eric-geusz/

[The longest day in Chang'An] ,Sunset lantern[2019] Available at : http://dy.163.com/v2/article/detail/ELP5KV770517BJSD.html

LONGWU regard team in TANG [2019] Available at : https://mil.ifeng.com/c/7osHllK3Y2S

Textured, genesis new-York,[2019] Available at: https://www.genesis.com/us/en/genesis-concept-vehicles-new-york.html

Spaceship, texture, structure [2019] Available at : https://spaceshipsgalore.tumblr.com/post/178283939045/station-spaceship

Design council, double diamond ,Available at : https://www.designcouncil.org.uk/news-opinion/double-diamond-15-years

Oki Sato : Using Design to solve problems, nendo ,[2016]

[Moving to Mars], the design museum, [2019]

Affinity in Autonomy, sony design, London design festival, V&A [2019]

[Rethinking the water bottle], the design museum,[2019], sustainable bottles for Healthrow airport.





sstest mo 1.jpgss test m.jpg

 The following pictures shows the structure of the main test model which is a technique of Paper - clip.

From the lopping structure, I realized the cycles within angles is quite like the nest of bees.

These two testing model inspire me a lot and let concentrate on "CONNCTING"




space re.jpg

It is the collage shows different types of spaceship.

idea de.jpg

Since the shape of the testing model is like a space plane, so I did the research of  spaceship and start to develop the ideas.

Worksheet 4

Prown Analysis



For Example:

What type of product is it?

What is it made of?

What are the formal qualities? E.g. Colour, shape,

What are the surface qualities?

What are the structural qualities?

It is a toy car which is made of plastic and using few mental as connections.

The colour of this car is similar as the colour of copper with grey part as decoration.

The grey part of the car is made by ANDIOZING and the other part used COPPER ELECTROPLATING to produce. The copper part makes the product malleable and electroplating makes product have a mirror feeling.


For Example:

How is it made? (by hand or machine or a combination?)

Is this sustainable?

What is its intended use?

Who is the intended user?

What is the expected lifespan?

It is made by compression molding and combined together with inside structure -which is used to store batteries and made by the method of compression molding and can be used for 10 years approximately.

It is not very sustainable because the outer shell of the car is made by plastic

The intended users are children from 5 to 10 yr-old.


Why did you choose this product? Visual appearance, texture, material, humour etc


What else could you use it for?

In what way could it be relevant for the surface and structure project?

Is it ethical?

Consider the social, economic, cultural and historical context?

Try some free word association.

Visual appearance is really attract me. This car is made by different materials including  mental ,plastic and the using many manufacture methods like compressing molding.

Althrough the intended users are children, the adults can also use these cars to contest.


Object Layout Rationale


Scenario Description

My teammates and I arranged these objects by colour.

As you can see from the picture, we put blue objects at left and white ones at right.

We put the longest one - brassie at the top of the whole landscape.

List the objects in order and Include a photograph.




What is the context, site or landscape?

The objects at left hand side are quite “science”, while those at right hand side are more “natural”

What does the source communicate?



Are there any difficulties/limitations in this situation?



How will the objects be used?

Can be used by children because the toy car can makes them happy and the other objects like telephones ,brassie and tree sticks let them understand the culture and learn the world better.


Is this different from their planned use?

Most of things are used by adults.

Considering your initial responses to the Structure and Surface brief are there any other scenarios in which you would like to arrange the objects?

 space ,future world, to explore.

Reflection 2019/9/30

This is a sketch of the initial ideas which is two kinds of spaceship A and B and they can join together to moving faster and further.

However, the problem is how these two ships can combine tightly to ensure stable flight.


Consider how the Spaceship A and B combine together successfully, I improved the join system of these two ships.

New structure



Worksheet 5

Project Review


Project outcome analysis (answer in full sentences)

Prompts (answer only those questions that are relevant)

Project title:

Project description:

What is the discipline? (e.g. Architecture, Product Design or Wearable design)PRODUCT

What is your design Concept (idea)?

It is a spaceship which is private which means people in the future can drive them like cars in the space.

Spaceship-A can combine with Spaceship-B to move faster and further.

What is the site/space/location for this design?


Is there a specific User/ Audience for this project?

People in the future

Which Materials have you used? 

Titanium alloy

What is successful about this outcome?yes

What would you change?I change the shape of my initial design which is a “tube”shape.I designed the main body to contain these small home

How would you complete/ develop this project?

The spaceships do not have energy collection board. Maybe these spaceships need a base to support the energy OR they need to add a board.


Project Brief (answer in full sentences)

Prompts (answer only those questions that are relevant)

How did you respond to the brief? Brief is STRUCTURE & SURFACE,

Which project aims did you identify and focus on?

How did the class activities change/ affect your outcome?

YIFAN suggested me that I can develop the shape of spaceship from the normal objects which is also the idea of Eric Geuszs work.

Which activities did you enjoy?

Which new skills did you learn/ refine?

I went to the wood workshop and used the cutting and polishing machines for the first time.

Which of your strengths did you use to respond to the class activities and brief?

Drawing skills



Relevant Research (answer in full sentences)

Prompts (answer only those questions that are relevant)

What role did Research play in your project realisation?

Which artists/designers influenced your outcomes and in what way?

Eric Geusz , Joris Maarman, Janyunjin and Allie Tarett.

Their work help me understand the relationship of surface and structure deeper.

For example, the work of Janyunjin use Modular SURFACE and Textural STRUCTURE to design a Ice bag that users can move the bags to the sour area of their bodies.

Which sources did you identify to research?

After making the testing mode by using the skills of folding paper.

Was there a source that was particularly important to developing your outcome?

Was it primary or secondary research?

Secondary research



The clear style of mind map .

Drawings like a child --- Interesting and innovative.

Layout like a engineer --- Careful and organized.


I like product design.


Today, tutors introduced product design and ceramics to us. I understood that product design is to solve problems in our lives."Product design makes our life better!"


I also noticed the important of research for product design .After  buying so many items ,we started to thinking ideas about how to package cherry tomatoes ,lemons and watermelons.


Initially , It is quite easy for me to think ideas related to cherry tomatoes . I really created some interesting  ideas .However , I was a little bit tired when thinking the ideas of lemon.


So, I quite need to practices the skills of connecting object  A and B because I think the reason why I always lack of good ideas is the disability of relative thinking.


cherry tomatoes 3.jpg

cherry tomatoes box - model



Lemon shelf - model



CONTEXTUAL 02- mind map

Bcan chewing gum

BCAN is a chewing gum brand owned by LOTTE. Its packaging design was done by oki sato and his studio nendo. The product received a good response when it was released in 2014. 

Through research, I found that this product is designed flexibly by using the package of hand cream, which is bold and innovative and easy to carry.

LOTTE hopes to change the market for cleaning candies by getting more people to buy gum instead of mints.














Cutting is a word with different meanings and one of them is " to scratch ".
In today's class, I realised I didn't add so much features of "cut " in my work, which means I need to think about the kinds of things have to keep in my E-CAT and also which features of the real cats should be canceled.
After that, I started a research of the cats, and I understood that they always scratch their masters .As  a consequence , their masters have no choice but to cut down the fingernails of these pets, otherwise they may hart people again.
As a result ,it is true that no fingernails for E-CAT is a good choice . I also make no face for the E-CAT because I want to minimize my design. However, I still kept the main features of real cats like the shape and the palm ball shaped palms of them.
In the afternoon , I used the method of collage to represent the texture of  woolen yarn .I  stick them in lines  and try to use fingers to feel that feeling until it really the similar texture of cats' hair. The hair in different parts of cats have distinct feelings.So I create several types of woolen yarn to show that.


After listening carefully to the experience sharing of previous students, I felt a little uncomfortable in the first and second weeks of school just like them.

At the very beginning, the course was very stressful, so we all felt anxious. As for us overseas students, we may not be able to communicate with local students due to different languages.

Is about to complete a project to start the first week in class we have a big pressure because everyone is trying to do the first project well. On Thursday, we saw many excellent works of literature and art, but also to give yourself to reflect. Perfect to improve their work on the weekend.

I think it more easier for us to learn how to make effective way is to prepare. Review the documents and handouts provided by the teacher before class to understand the content of the class. You can get twice the result with half the effort. In the meantime, the tasks of the day should be completed on the same day. For example, the reflection of that day must be completed and hand out in that day, otherwise the homework will accumulate finally and can not be processed.