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10.09.18 - Ideas Factory

I felt that working in a group for the research task allowed me to explain my ideas and be inspired by other people's ideas and thoughts. I found the brief interesting as it combined processes like cutting, with materials like concrete, this made me think more creatively. I found it difficult to come up with ideas at such a fast pace, however, it allowed me to be less critical and come up with more ideas. when pitching my ideas, I selected the design which appealed to me which were the designs with geometric designs. I showed my group diagrams and sketches of my ideas and they understood the form of the sculptures. The feedback I got was very helpful, as it helped me refine my ideas. I hope to use diagrams and a scale model to visualise and explain my final idea. I want to be able to show who it is intended for and the location of the piece.

Action plan

Refine sketches from the ideas generation task

Collect research images for workflow

Set up workflow and create pages

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11.09.18 - Ideas Factory

I was able to practice my observational drawing skills today, by sketching a variety of pasta shapes, the monotone colour scheme of the pasta allowed me to focus on the shadows and highlights and practice my shading techniques. Using techniques such as drawing the negative space allowed me to draw and replicate the shapes more accurately. Later on in the day, we developed and refined our ideas from the previous day, I found this particularly useful as it made my final design clearer. I used magazine pages to create a collage for my visualisation. I also constructed a sketch model using a paper net that I drew of a trapezoidal prism. I later sketched the model and drew diagrams and plan views of the model. My visualisation showed that the sculpture would be place in the ocean and it would be formed from cuboids. 

Action Plan

Prepare to present work on the critique

Produce visualisation for Thursday

Practice by sketching more

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13.09.18 - Ideas Factory

After the first week was finished, I felt excited about the upcoming projects which would really challenge me and allow me to think more creatively. I found the quick idea generation most challenging, how ever with more practice I would be able to come up with ideas faster. I have learnt drawing techniques such as using negative space to draw accurately. I was shocked at the brief, as it combined words I wouldn't have thought to use to create a final outcome. I used research to inform my ideas and build on them. Working in groups gave me the chance to collaborate and share ideas and similar thoughts. I chose to visualise a geometric concrete sculpture as I liked the minimal and simple design. To improve my sketchbook I would add more photographs to the pages and add people into my visualisation to give a sense of scale to the piece.

I was chosen to present my visualisation, I was nervous as I don't usually talk in front of a big group of people. I projected my voice so the whole group could hear. The feedback that I got back from the tutor was:

Good collage - which shows the location of the final outcome

Purpose - did not elaborate on the function of the outcome

No people - no sense of scale was shown

Action Plan

Write a short summary about the outcome

Fill in any blank spaces in sketchbook

Show scale on the visualisation

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17.09.18 - Build It

I found the fast pace of the project today to be helpful as it let me work more spontaneously and not worry about the final outcome, I could improvise and develop ideas as I went. I liked working in a group as it let me explain my ideas and I could understand what other people were thinking. I found the scale of the build it project to be very unique as it required quite a lot of movement and teamwork. After building the model I sketched it using the technique of plotting the points then joining them up with lines, this helped me get accurate angles and lines. I liked the placement of the brown paper on the sculpture as it gave it dimension. I would have preferred to work on a more symmetrical structure. I found that ASD considered the interior structure of builds as well as the exterior. I liked the idea of installation pieces and large scale.

Action Plan

Research geometric architecture and upload to workflow

Print out photography of models

Refine sketches of models

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18.09.18 - Wear It

Today I learnt about the JIFFA department and how three dimensional objects could be connected with the body. The presentation showed a lot of different ideas and artists. After that, I had a task where I had to generate ideas for the words: Suspend, Support and Surround. The time limit on task let me generate more ideas, I found that the imagery in the presentation really inspired me and helped me think of ideas. For my piece I decided to fold an origami herringbone tessellation as it would be able to curve and fit the contour of the body. I found that the folding was quite time consuming and that I was running out of time, however I was still able to complete my piece. However, it was not as intricate as my initial plan due to time constraints. I liked the geometric and repeating patterns in the piece that I made.

Action Plan

Print out photography of process and final outcome

Research accessories that use a folding technique

Add more detailed sketches to sketchbook

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20.09.18 - Explore It

Today's project was to design products  to carry fruit. The first task was to go out into Archway and collect primary research, this let me be more observant of the environment around me, I looked at different places that sold fruit. I sketched from the research and came up with several designs, to either hold a singular piece of fruit of multiple. The fast pace of the model making allowed me to work on the overall shape rather than the finer details of the piece. After the first two model making sessions we had to work in a group to design a piece to hold one watermelon. I found this helpful as we could collaborate and compile our ideas to form one piece. We started with a group discussion and shared our sketches. Later on we could walk around and look at other people's work, we got feedback on our models and if there were any improvements. 

Action Plan

Print out research images in grid formation for sketchbook

Refine model making skills for my accuracy

Upload primary research to workflow

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24.09.18 - Illuminate

Today I started a new project about lighting. This was a longer project compared to the one day projects, this gave me more time to plan and think about my final outcome, which I prefer as it is not as rushed. However, this meant that I would be a lot more cautions with my idea generation. I started the day off at Kings Cross to collect primary research. I took photographs of the area and interesting ways light was reflecting and shadows being cast. I also sketched my surroundings and conveyed form and patterns of the lights and shadows. After seeing the lights and the lighting products in the Tom Dixon store I was inspired to create a lampshade for this project. I would like to experiment with different materials, such as tracing paper or different weights of paper. I'm still deciding whether I want to go on to the PDC or ASD pathway.

Action Plan

Collect secondary research and upload it to workflow

Buy light source to use in tomorrows lesson

Refine sketches from the research task

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25.09.18 - Illuminate

Today I started to sketch out my ideas and visualise different possible outcomes, I explored the three different pathways and found that I was leaning towards the product design pathway, I decided to design a series of lamps shades, my favourite idea was to make a three tiered lampshade using an origami tessellation. I also had a group discussion to share my research ideas, I was able to see what inspired others. I had to choose from a list of words which most represented my ideas. My group helped me decide on the work geometry, due to the repetitive shapes used in my designs. After that, I was put into a group with other people who were given the work geometry. I started to work on a sketch model using paper, I experimented with the different paper lengths to create a cylindrical shape to form my final outcome.

Action Plan

Try out different transparencies of materials

Research lighting designers

Refine one of my ideas

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27.09.18 - Illuminate

Today, I Found that the light was not shining too much through the cartridge paper I was using so I started to experiment with using tracing paper as the material to create my lampshade as it has a translucent property to it, this allowed the light to be diffused and create a soft glow. However I found that the tracing paper was difficult to work with, it required a lot of patience. If I wasn't cautious enough the tracing paper would tear and form holes. In the afternoon, I had a group discussion with the other students who had the word geometry and one of the tutors, This discussion was useful, as it let me think about the meaning behind my piece and why I have decided to make it have a tiered shape, also, how I am go to support the structure the paper. I think I might use a metal framework formed into concentric circles.

Action Plan

Get some thread to stitch together the paper

Fold out the grid lines on tracing paper

Research artists that use geometry

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01.10.18 - Illuminate

As today was my last day to work on my final outcome for the project, I decided to save time today by folding the grid line the night before, this helped me tremendously as diving the paper into a sixteen by sixteen grid is very tedious and I could easily fold it at home. I also found it faster if I treat folding the paper like I was on an assembly line and fold it in stages as opposed to completing one piece at a time. I found that the translucent tracing paper formed shadows when natural light was shining through it. Later that day, I started to sew together my paper to attach it, at first it was difficult to work with, however the more I practised that more efficient I was. I spent a very long time trying to figure out how to hang the paper, then I came to the conclusion of using metal clips, then threading them with cotton string.

Action Plan

Prepare visualisation for Thursday

Complete final outcome

Refine sketchbook

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02.10.18 - Illuminate

Today was the critique day for the Illuminate project, I was really nervous. When I went into class I had to write a short paragraph explaining the different aspects of my final outcome and the reasoning behind the decisions I have made while creating it. After I displayed my piece and turned on the light, my group had to write a short summary of our work and a description of the ideology behind the word geometry and what all our pieces had in common. Then, we were given the chance to walk around and take a loot at other people's work, there were many outstanding pieces of work that inspired me. We had to give feedback on the other groups work and I enjoyed seeing other people's method of working and how they laid out their sketchbooks. The feedback I got on my outcome was:

Good photography - nicely captured the process and final outcome

Research - not very much secondary research in the sketchbook

User - not shown in location or setting

Action Plan

Print out secondary research for the sketchbook

Show where the lamp would be used

Bring in materials for next project


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04.10.18 - Structure & Surface

Today, I started a new topic of structure & surface, the first task was to go out into Archway to collect Primary Research and took a series of photographs and made a few sketches, I walked around and paid more attention to my surroundings and really focused on the details of different surfaces. I was inspired by the monotone colour scheme or textured walls as it really emphasised the form with highlights and shadows. I also collected secondary research and collated a few of my favourite images to present in a group discussion. I felt like I wanted to create an architectural or spatial design piece for this topic. My initial idea is to create a modular facade for a building, however looking back at the brief it asked for micro architecture. I am thinking of designing a collapsible shelter with a folded structure to it.

Action Plan

Fold different types of materials

Start working on a digital model

Refine design from models


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08.10.18 - Structure & Surface

Using the fast pace sketch models I refined them and created a series of collapsible tunnels, I found that I could bend the tunnel to form a circular shape. I also found that the tunnel model looked good on the body. I presented my ideas to a group and they liked the idea with the curved interior of a train station. I felt that it would be difficult to design and create as a physical model. I decided to create a digital model of the piece on sketchup, I really liked the design of it, I used the arc tool to triangulate and accurately draw a net for the torus shape. After some consideration I wanted to go back to the tunnel Idea as it was simpler. However after talking to a tutor, I was convinced that the more complex model could be made before the deadline.

Action Plan

Print out net on A3 Paper and begin to cut and fold

Draw people to show scale in sketches

Start working on final visualisation

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09.10.18 - Structure & Surface

Last night, I cut out all the nets and started to fold them. In the morning we had a presentation showing sketchbooks from previous years, it was a good indication to show the quality of work and how to lay out the sketchbook pages. When I finished folding the nets, I started to use masking tape to attach the faces to each other, the torus shape formed as I taped more faces. I found that the tape was rather untidy, if I had more time I would have drawn in tabs while drawing the nets, however this would require a lot more time to cut and a lot more folding. I started to create my visualisation on Fusion 360, this was my first time using the software and I found it quite confusing, however, I figured it out and I am really pleased with the quality of the renders. Then, I used Photoshop to add people into the image to show scale.

Action Plan

Practice designing spaces in Fusion 360

Prepare for critique on Thursday

Finish sketchbook pages

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11.10.18 - Structure & Surface

Today was critique day for the structure & surface topic, first I had a group discussion with other students who had chosen the architectural and spatial design pathway to see what everyone thought the criteria for assessment were, it was a combination of materials, concept and user experience. Later that day the notes from the discussion were printed onto a sheet. I had to fill out the sheet of self assessment to analyse my work and see if it fit within the criteria of the mark scheme. Then, we had to swap to someone else's work to fill in the peer assessment section, because it wasn't my own work I wasn't as critical, I found that I was being too harsh in my self assessment and focusing on the negatives. I found the feedback I got was good and it helped me think of what to improve later on in the course. The feed back I got was:

Primary and secondary research is shown, however, could be more developed throughout the design process. Selecting designers that show similarities or influence your work.

You have clearly presented initial ideas, in which you then have developed thoroughly, giving alternative options and design elements.

Throughout your design development and model making you have shown how people experience the space and how fluidity of movement is shown in the space.

Although you have presented alternative finishes, it would be nice to see how they are, presented as models. e. g. having sheet aluminium folded as a model. The rest of your construction work is excellent, showing how carefully you can order the construction techniques and logistics.

Even though you have shown where your design would fit into, you may want to consider more evidence of putting your design into context through imagery and maybe more annotation showing benefit to users and the wider community.

I also had to present my work in a small group and fill out feedback sheets. The feed back I got was:

The group could understand my idea, as there was good documentation throughout the sketchbook.

There was a variety of primary and secondary research and there were good sketches and photography.

The design would work as intended, however look into entrances and exits, maybe extend the model to include where the rest of the station would be. The interior space brief was followed well.

Need to develop material choice further, maybe look at secondary research for material processes.

The digital models were done well and very skilfully.

Site not shown, but function is made clear, could have made an overlay over an existing station. Good visualisation for user experience.

The net of the building is good, but as you said, had there been more time, to add tabs so masking tape wouldn't be needed.

Message was clear, confident in method and design, might have been nice to discuss other ideas.

Action Plan

Prepare for progress tutorial

Fill in gaps in workflow

Complete sketchbook

16.10.18 - Progress Tutorial

At the progress tutorial I had to show my workflow and sketchbook. The feedback the tutor gave me was:

Your workflow has been beautifully set up, and it is a pleasure to look at. You have selected good research references, and started to provide some analysis, but this needs to develop now. I suspect that keeping the grid looking smart has encouraged you to keep to 2 lines of text, but it would be better to give more analysis when you have more to say, and the text lengths will be different.

Reflection is also very well laid out, but the same text lengths, while they look very attractive, mean that you aren’t getting into deep reflection, and details are missing. See Pauline for some more advice about deeper reflection, and reducing description. In the next project please use the tutors’ prompts for reflection.

You have a good sketchbook, clear presentation, relevant research is incorporated and your ideas are shown in relation to these references. Models are carefully made, but the use of folding techniques in your two biggest projects means that you haven’t shown other methods.

Your drawing is clear, and good for communicating quick early ideas, but I’d like you to focus now on developing more considered approaches to drawing to show ideas in more detail. Sketchup is good, but you also need to draw by hand.

Action Plan

See Pauline for an appointment to discuss deepening your research analysis and reflection.

In your reflection give a very short summary of what you did, focus on what you were thinking about, what you learnt or discovered, what is going well / badly and explain, explain decisions and options, give examples, and go in to detail (Imagine I’m interviewing you, asking you to explain why)

Annotate your research with more detail. What does the image make you think about? Explain why you like things. How could this reference influence your design work?

Return to the illuminate and structure and surface projects, create final drawings (you can add pages to your sketchbook) In these drawings try to show scale, details and people. Practice using drawing methods to communicate more visual information.

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22.10.18 - Movement

After the progress tutorial, I had time to re organise my workflow, so that no matter how much you write under an image it would stay lined up and neat, I also added a second set of navigation buttons, as I found it took a long time to scroll down to the projects at the bottom. I also used the advice of more detailed sketches, I spent longer to refine and be more in depth in my sketches for my primary research. I also elaborated on all of my research on workflow. I used the advise about changing up the techniques used, influenced my designs for my sketch models, I created models around the words: fold, slide and expand. The model i created for slide in class was not that refined so I recreated it at home with a dot grid paper for more accuracy. My design response to the brief is leaning towards the architecture and spatial design pathway. I am thinking of either a building that moves periodically, or an interior space with compact and space saving mechanisms inside the walls and floors. The sketch models I created all have the common theme of a transforming building. The user is someone who lives in an urban environment. My designs are inspired by Shigeru Ban, who uses cube like structures indoors, SOM, who has a sliding observation deck to change the view, the railing system in the tube to achieve linear motion and the telescopic doors in the tube station that save space.

Action Plan

Create digital versions of sketch models and show add people to show scale

Add additional research to workflow

Refine ideas for final outcome

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23.10.18 - Movement

Today we had a group exercise, where we had to discuss different materials and the processes, properties and meaning behind them. After being put into new groups for 3DDA, I had the chance to meet new people on the course that were also interested in the architecture and spatial design pathway. We discussed the different materials and prepared to present them in front of the class. I have decided to use paper and foam board for my final model but if I were to build the building in real life I would used sheets of metal. After that, we could refine our sketches and start planning our final outcome. I was still unsure about which of my ideas to take to the end of the project. I discussed with the tutor whether I should produce a building or an interior space, I wanted to  be in the architectural and spatial design pathway, but I was scared that if I produced an interior with dividers and space saving elements that I would be put into the product design pathway.  She gave me the advice to develop my modular building design further. 

Action plan

Print out images of research to prepare A2 presentation sheets

Create digital model of modular building design

Photocopy my best sketches for collage

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25.10.18 - Movement

Today, I had a presentation on how to present and layout A2 portfolio sheets, I like the use of a grid layout as it makes the page neater and more organise. The use of scale and colour can lead the viewers eye and show which part is the most important. We spent the day preparing A2 sheets, ready to present at the end of the day. At the end of the day we had a group discussion to find out what makes a portfolio sheet effective and what to avoid. Do have a neat layout and even spacing, do select your strongest images. Do not have faint pencil drawings, as they can be hard to see, use pen to make the lines darker. Do not make the images too small. Don't put too many pictures on the page, as it can look cluttered. Use printed text instead of handwritten text, so it looks more refined. Keep the composition balanced to keep harmony in the piece.

Action Plan

Get A2 sheets printed at Absolute Print

Create more digital models

Refine A2 sheets


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29.10.18 - Movement

I liked the idea of the modular building and how they slid in and out, I developed this idea by creating a grid in which block shaped buildings would move in unison and produce pattern. I found the initial pattern was too messy and then I developed a more gradual wave formation. In the morning we presented our refined A2 sheets, I printed mine at Absolute Print, however I was not satisfied with the print quality for the expensive price that they paid, so future sheets will be designed to be able to print on two separate A3 sheets to save on printing costs. We had to go around and leave feed back on other people's sheets. The feed back I got was that the layout was nice and that the use of physical and digital models was effective. In class I designed a net for the block shape of the building, I printed out the sheets onto A4 paper, I used acetate to create the windows. I produced 25 blocks. I found that the blocks were not all perfectly 5 cm by 5 cm, I would have to adjust my design for the frame to accommodate for the slight variation in size of the blocks. I designed the frame for this to slot together at increments of 5 cm. 

Action Plan

Buy foam board to produce frame for building

Produce final outcome A2 Sheets

Add sketches to sketchbook

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30.10.18 - Movement

This was the final day I could work on my model. I created a template for the foam board to be cut so they could slot together. I spent the day finishing off my blocks and I used a combination of tape and glue. I used advice from a previous project to add tabs as it makes the construction of the piece neater and more refined. At home, I used a craft knife to cut and assemble the foam board shapes, I found that the frame was slightly crooked, due to the tight slots. I created and outer frame using foam board and hot glue, This held the structure and that shape of the frame better. I found that the frame was slightly too big for the grid, so I adjusted it with a craft knife. After slotting them together, I began to place in the apartment blocks, they fit just right. However, when I went to move the model the entire grid section would move, so I secured the frame in position with tape. I created a visualisation with Fusion 360 and I designed the interior for it. I am happy with the realist renders of the final outcome.

Action Plan

Print out final outcome pages for sketchbook

Print out A2 portfolio sheets at school

Prepare for critique

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01.11.18 - Movement

In the morning I had time to print out my sheets and prepare for the critique. I spent the morning adding to my workflow research, as it was being presented in the afternoon. I after the UCAS lecture yesterday, I was question which course to study at BA, I was deciding between: Architecture, Interior Design, Interior and Spatial Design or Design For Branded Spaces. I discussed with a tutor, to find the fundamental differences between the different courses, she suggested that I go to open days to learn about the subjects and ask any questions there. While I was working one tutor was looking through a students book on my table and asking in depth questions about the logistics and details of their project, this gave me areas in my project that I should expand on. In the afternoon we had the critique, I wrote a short explanation of my final outcome. The feedback I got on my project was:

Broad range of research evidence, both primary and secondary following your design concept.

Well organised images in sketchbook and on workflow.

Primary research could be more connected to your projection of architecture and spatial design.

You have used different materials to make your model, but you haven't explained what the final building would be made from.

The movement project has made me consider either applying for architecture, interior design, interior and spatial design and design for branded spaces as I explored many different elements of the architecture and spatial design pathway, I particularly enjoyed designing the interior of the apartment block. I like the how realist my CAD models look and the quality of my final model and the layout of my pages. I need to develop my research and link it more to my outcome, also, I need to explore more materials. I like my A2 sheets, as they have a simple layout, they are organised and they show a clear journey. I was influenced by Mini Living - Dream Home, as they utilise the space in a compact home, Shigeru Ban - Naked House, as they used a cube structure to fill the home, SOM - Observation Deck, as they created a building with a view that changes, Cedric Price - Fun Palace, as the building is modular and can be adapted, Stairs, which creates the step like structure in my piece, Waves in the water, as they create a smooth transition in my piece, Train, as it uses a linear track system. I used a slotting technique to create a framework, I would have liked to use a CNC machine to cut out either plywood or acrylic. I like the scale and flow of other people's work, I like the extensive research that helps generate ideas.

Action Plan

Prepare for Part 1 Assessment

Complete and refine workflow

Add more detailed sketches